Citation Help

APA 7th Edition

APA 7th Edition (2020)

Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism occurs when a writer uses ideas, information, or words of another source without properly crediting that source. Plagiarism is a serious offense and may result in a failing grade for the assignment and/or course. Includes ONU Plaigiarism policy. Spanish translation available.

Chicago/Turabian Help

Chicago/Turabian Help

Como Prevenir el Plagio - Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism occurs when a writer uses ideas, information, or words of another source without properly crediting that source. Plagiarism is a serious offense and may result in a failing grade for the assignment and/or course. Includes ONU Plaigiarism policy. Spanish translation available.

Council of Science Editors (CSE)

Council of Science Editors (CSE) Citation Style, 8th ed.

DOI Resolver

Use this search page when you have a DOI, but want to get the rest of the citation

Find a doi

Click on “Search Metadata” tab, then enter known information from the citation in order to identify a DOI

Help with Zotero (by CARLI)

Includes definition, introduction, valuable links, and setup instructions

How to recognize plagiarism

Tutorial quiz from Indiana University Bloomington School of Education on how to recognize plagiarism




MLA 8th edition

Ministry Matters

Link options, direct ebook links, and help citing Ministry Matters resources.

Official Zotero Site (Download)

Official Zotero Site for logging in, finding help, and downloading program and add-ons.

Practical Insights: Preventing Plagiarism

10 tips for avoiding plagiarism. Emphasis on research process for law students. Links to Concord Law School at Purdue University Global.

Purdue Online Writing Lab - Avoiding Plagiarism

Intellectual challenges in American academic writing with examples of what to do and what not to do from the Purdue OWL.

Saving articles to Zotero

Save articles to Zotero from "Benner Library & More"

Saving book details to Zotero

Saving book details to Zotero from the Benner "Library Catalog" or "Primo VE"

Understanding & Preventing Plagiarism Strategies & Resources for Students and Teachers

Facts, examples, and an infographic-style article.

Zotero Introduction

Zotero Introduction. The power of Zotero.

Zotero Links

includes definition, introduction, valuable links, and setup instructions.

Zotero for Mobile

Options and add-ons for using Zotero on your mobile device or tablet.